Thursday 24 September 2015


When someone says BATH & BODY WORKS, what's the one word that comes to your mind ????  For me, its an island of fragrances. SERIOUSLY! how they come up with so many fabulous scents? I am the kind of person who is very choosy regarding scents but not in the case of bath & body works. I have loved every product of it, each one richly filled with different fragrances. They never go wrong with their product and this is the reason why everyone loves it!!

ULTRA SHEA body cream & Fine fragrance mist in PEARBERRY. 
SHEA & vitamin E shower gel in WHITE TEA AND GINGER.     
The hydrating butter is not from the BBW, it's by ORCHARD AND VINE.

         24 Hour Moisture Ultra Shea Body Cream

       I cannot love it more, super moisturizing and smells amazing. I love it because it's neither too heavy nor too light, perfect texture. It's good for winters as we get quite flaky hands and dry patches over our skin. It absorbs right away and the scent lasts longer because it's super strong, no need to reapply. 

                         Fine Fragrance Mist

        Usually, mists stay longer than 2 hours but I think it stays for long. I usually reapply after 6 hours. It has really fresh scent. I use it together with body cream (of same scent), so for me, it works magic. This pearberry scent is good for summer because it's fruity.

                         Shea & Vitamin E Shower gel
            It's a perfect daily cleanser, contains Shea Butter, Vitamin E and Aloe all of which are very beneficial for skin. Provides a luxuriously rich lather and leaves skin feeling irresistibly soft and beautifully fragranced. I have this in white tea and ginger scent, although the bottle says it has a hint of ginger but still I smell more ginger and I love it.

       Orchard & Vine Vanilla Almond Hydrating Butter

          A very rich and hydrating moisturizer, good for winters. In winters, I  have quite oily skin around the face but my hands and feet get really dry and flaky. I love its thick texture which hydrates and softens the dry skin.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


I know there are fair few reviews on this product because it's different than what generally women want. In my opinion it's a good mascara for those who want to keep the look more natural yet still want curled lashes with good volume. Just like we go for different lipsticks for different looks for instance dark lips for special occasions and nude pinks for day to day basis likewise mascara should also be switched for different looks. 

I personally love dark dramatic thick curled lashes and there are plenty of products to get that look but sometimes I want a more natural look and after using this mascara I realized that it can only be used for the natural daily look. I have been wearing it daily since I bought it.

I think its great because 
  • It's smudge free
  • Perfect staying power
  • Lengthens & gives volume
  • Multiplies it instantly
  • Its silkening Lash-Advancing Vitamin Complex conditions the lashes while u wear it. 
The formula is very smooth and with a single coat it lifts up the lashes. Its brush is amazing, good for separating and combing lashes.

 IT STILL LOOKS VERY NATURAL. I will only recommend this for day to day look, don't expect much. Definitely great for students.

Sunday 12 July 2015


Summer is not really my time, the heavily tanned skin, the sun burn, humidity, stickiness and the worst nightmare, the frizzy hair. I don't get sun burn easily but when it comes to tanning it's the worst because my face is all bronzed as if I have plunged it into a bronzer. Well that's the part of my story still to be narrated.

        To kill those emerging troubles because of summer, I did some homework and went for little shopping, not very high on budget ;P. I narrowed my list just to the essential ones. So I exactly knew what I wanted. Seriously it's way better than hunting and gathering without any sense of your requirements plus financial estimate. So here is an insight to what and why I bought, which I'm going to share with you all.

          Everyone has got a night routine which definitely or only includes brushing your teeth. You need to include 4 SIMPLE STEPS TO YOUR NIGHT ROUTINE which are baby steps towards your PERFECT SKIN IN SUMMER. Of-course you have to continue it in the winter as well, if it makes sense to you.
          The first step is cleansing. Cleansing helps to remove dead skin cells and dirt. It protects your skin from damaging. People prefer to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and massage it as a cleanser but I've never used oil cleansing method. So, I've got JOLEN DEEP PORE MILK CLEANSER. The people having heavy oily skin should avoid using oil based moisturizer because it makes your skin more oily, which we all know is prone to blackheads and acne. 

         After cleansing your skin, the second step is to apply toner. It balances your skin pH, if it has been disturbed. It softens your skin and reduces the chance of enlarged pores of the skin because of cell communicating ingredient present in it BUT!! remember most of the toners available in the market are having alcohol which dries your skin, hence killing the effect of toner. So after a long search, I hunted down a TONER by OLAY without alcohol.

         The third and fourth steps are Moisturizing and hydrating. Bulk of people believe that their skin is better off moisturizer in summer. They think that only in winter their dry skin requires moisturizer. You need to moisturize your skin regardless of your skin type and weather. If you have oily skin then you need to get an oil free moisturizer. It helps to keep the upper layer of skin soft and smooth plus keeping it hydrated. My oily T zone gets high on duty in summer and I don't want to end up all greasy therefore I've got this lovely oil free JHONSON-JHONSON  CLEAN AND CLEAR MOISTURIZER. It's perfect for my skin. It absorbs in the skin quickly with no greasy effect.

        There are some nights when you are very tired and all you want to do is get in your bed BUT if you are wearing makeup never ever do that honey. I know it is very hard to go for your regular night routine so for those lazy days I've got a solution. cut those four steps in one. all you need to do is to clean your makeup with facial wipes. I've got JHONSON'S SKIN CARE REFRESHING WIPES. Trust me!! it always comes in handy.

         Keep this night routine as can't-live-without-it and I bet you'll have a flawless, spotless and absolute skin. 

Saturday 11 July 2015


Who thinks makeup is complete without lipstick?? My guess is no one. I am a huge fan of lipsticks. It is that one thing which completely transforms my face like it brings DEAD to LIFE, does it make sense ??

Today's post is about my recent lip shades that were gifted to me by my cousin, family and friend at the same time :) She exactly knows what i want ♥
If i have to line up my top 5 makeup brands, MAC is definitely going to be there!!

                         ♥ Two Bad Boys Added To My Collection ♥

RIGHT: MAC Kinda sexy  ;   LEFT: MAC Pink plaid

  • MAC Kinda Sexy LIPSTICK: 
          Anyone  who's on the run to find the perfect nude lipstick?? 

I highly recommend this one. It's a matte finish lip colour, works best for fair to medium skin tones. It's my go to lipstick. I am already in love with it!!  it gives you natural pouty lips so yeah! it looks SEXY!!                                                                                  

  • MAC PINK PLAID:                                                                 
It's a very beautiful pink colour, very opaque and matte. Goes well with pale or fair skin. I am medium skin toned therefore I have to combo it with dramatic eye look. It may look rosy pink in the bullet but it gives a pale, muted purple tinged pink when applied to lips. 

Both of these have soft vanilla scent ♥♥

What do u think about these ?? 

Thursday 9 July 2015


        If you think that you are the most unlucky person on the face of this earth or you think that you cannot help yourself out of your miseries because some anonymous magical powers are holding you back to achieve the greatness that you desire. You are definitely wrong!! one of my friends suggested me a book named " Secret" by Rhonda Byrne dealing with Law of Attraction. 

       If you are stuck, trapped, miserable, unhappy, you are hundred percent responsible for your condition. Life is the reflection of one's own self. This world is the mirror and you are the reflection. If you think negative, the image of the world will automatically be negative, so better you sit and lament the rest of your life blaming people, God or your fate for all the happenings of your life.

      You might think I'm a fool telling you all this rubbish. Before reading the book, I was of the same thought... FATE MEANS EVERYTHING. After going through the first few pages, it was like an opium to me, I wasn't able to stop myself. I wondered that the writer was actually writing for me and ONLY FOR ME!! The empowered words forced me to work on it so I followed the law. It worked miracles. 

      In order to help you all, I wanted to simplify the concept of the book and here it goes, just the idea of it.

      This world follows the rule of opposite. There is either white or black, good or bad, happy or sad. Indeed everything has its opposites. Consider as if all the good in the world is (+) and all the bad is (-). Your mind is a powerful magnet so when you think positive the magnet of your mind attracts all the positive vibes hence providing you happiness. It is a human psyche that when you are occupied by some thought, you will act accordingly. So when you are thinking about becoming wealthy, you will automatically work for it and so goes with every wish. 

        That is why Islamic scholars believes that when you are asking for something in prayers with this firm belief that you will get it, the prayer is granted.
        Life is responding to what you are omitting. So in the morning when you wake up declare your good intentions about the day, engulf all the powers that are there around you. You can see it only when you have a positive heart and mind to grab it. Practice this magic and get everything that you desire. BUT... Remember!! only one thing can break this magic and that is doubt or negativity. Even a slightest doubt of negativity can spoil everything. So eliminate yourself from all the doubts.

 "Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want and don't expect the things you don't want".                                                                     (Rhonda Byrne, The Secret)

Wednesday 8 July 2015


Holy month of Ramadhan is upon us, the best time of the year indeed!! its the second turn of Ramadhan to be falling in the summer. After 15 hours of fasting, one needs refreshing drinks to be served and enjoyed in iftaar. Different traditions run in different families. So today i am going to share one of my own. There are so many but i think it needs to be done in episodes so here comes two of them i hope u try & enjoy ♥♥  


Serves 5                                                                             
Things needed:     

  • 2 cups of apple juice
  • 1 lemon (squeezed)
  • 5-6 mint leaves 
  • 3 cups of 7up / sprite
Put mint leaves, apple juice and  squeeze lemon in a blender or food processor. Blend it for a minute. Pour it in a jug adding 7up or sprite to it and your soothing fresh drink is ready. 

Trust me this is the best drink. You seriously need to try this.


Serves 2
Things needed:
  • 1-2 piece jaggery (commonly called Gur )
  • (one glass of water for making jaggery syrup)
  • 1 lemon (squeezed)
  • 2 glasses of water 
  • 1 tsp chia seeds ( commonly called tukh malanga)

STEP 1:   Jaggery syrup
Take a sauce pan and boil Gur in a cup of water until it becomes thick in consistency. Leave it for a while to cool down. 

STEP 2:   Jaggery sip
Add cold water to jaggery syrup and  squeeze a lemon. Add chia seeds(tukh malanga) to the drink and wait for few minutes so the seeds can soak in AND there! u have it. ENJOY ♥♥ 

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Summer is on its peak!! heat becoming unbearable.This bright sunny shinning sun is a salvation in western countries unlike Pakistan, where some 800 people lost their lives because of insufferable heat. Who would have thought that just the heat of this summer will kill hundreds of people But wait I have some fabulous remedies and precautions to share in order to surmount this monstrous heat.

  1. INSTEAD OF A CEILING FAN USE  A TABLE/PEDESTAL FAN:                                                                                             I have never been in good terms with Mr.Chemistry but few lectures of my intermediate education reminds me that "hot air is lighter than cold air and therefore it moves upwards". While sitting in your rooms under the ceiling fan you may think that you deceived the heat DREAM ON!! according to Mr.Chemistry the hot air gathers near the ceiling of your room so when u switch on ceiling fan, it rolls down all the hot air of the room straight on and the process goes on, where you are sitting your happy ignorance considering the hot air as soothing AAH!! I got a solution use pedestal or table fans instead of ceiling ones. It will help provide you 3 to 4 degrees cooler air than ceiling fans.
  2. USE ICE BUCKET IN FRONT OF TABLE FAN:                    In order to decrease the temperature of your room, you can also place a big bowl full of ice in  front of table fan.In this way temperature as your room will drop to 7 to 8 degrees.
  3. SOAKED TOWELS:                                                                  Here is the recipe for chargeable domestic air conditioner keeping in consideration the power issues of Pakistan. Take a medium or small size towel soak it in water then squeeze the access, fold the towel and keep it in a plastic bag                          (not necessary).Now place this towel in the freezer for minimum one hour or can lie there foe the whole day. You can use this towel like on your head while working in the kitchen or when going out. 
  4. MIST YOURSELF WITH ROSEWATER SPRAY:                  Take an ordinary spray bottle which u can find very easily in a shop. Fill it quarter with rosewater and the rest with plain water.Place it in the fridge and your magic portion is ready.Whenever you feel hot spray it on to your face and feet and specially when your loved ones comes home  spray it on them as well. 
  5. WINDOW SCHEDULE:                                                             It is very important to schedule your room windows.In the night open your windows to let hot air finds its way out and fresh air comes in.When the sun is out shut your window in order to avoid the heat which comes in through hot air.