Tuesday 7 July 2015


Summer is on its peak!! heat becoming unbearable.This bright sunny shinning sun is a salvation in western countries unlike Pakistan, where some 800 people lost their lives because of insufferable heat. Who would have thought that just the heat of this summer will kill hundreds of people But wait I have some fabulous remedies and precautions to share in order to surmount this monstrous heat.

  1. INSTEAD OF A CEILING FAN USE  A TABLE/PEDESTAL FAN:                                                                                             I have never been in good terms with Mr.Chemistry but few lectures of my intermediate education reminds me that "hot air is lighter than cold air and therefore it moves upwards". While sitting in your rooms under the ceiling fan you may think that you deceived the heat DREAM ON!! according to Mr.Chemistry the hot air gathers near the ceiling of your room so when u switch on ceiling fan, it rolls down all the hot air of the room straight on and the process goes on, where you are sitting your happy ignorance considering the hot air as soothing AAH!! I got a solution use pedestal or table fans instead of ceiling ones. It will help provide you 3 to 4 degrees cooler air than ceiling fans.
  2. USE ICE BUCKET IN FRONT OF TABLE FAN:                    In order to decrease the temperature of your room, you can also place a big bowl full of ice in  front of table fan.In this way temperature as your room will drop to 7 to 8 degrees.
  3. SOAKED TOWELS:                                                                  Here is the recipe for chargeable domestic air conditioner keeping in consideration the power issues of Pakistan. Take a medium or small size towel soak it in water then squeeze the access, fold the towel and keep it in a plastic bag                          (not necessary).Now place this towel in the freezer for minimum one hour or can lie there foe the whole day. You can use this towel like on your head while working in the kitchen or when going out. 
  4. MIST YOURSELF WITH ROSEWATER SPRAY:                  Take an ordinary spray bottle which u can find very easily in a shop. Fill it quarter with rosewater and the rest with plain water.Place it in the fridge and your magic portion is ready.Whenever you feel hot spray it on to your face and feet and specially when your loved ones comes home  spray it on them as well. 
  5. WINDOW SCHEDULE:                                                             It is very important to schedule your room windows.In the night open your windows to let hot air finds its way out and fresh air comes in.When the sun is out shut your window in order to avoid the heat which comes in through hot air.

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