Thursday 9 July 2015


        If you think that you are the most unlucky person on the face of this earth or you think that you cannot help yourself out of your miseries because some anonymous magical powers are holding you back to achieve the greatness that you desire. You are definitely wrong!! one of my friends suggested me a book named " Secret" by Rhonda Byrne dealing with Law of Attraction. 

       If you are stuck, trapped, miserable, unhappy, you are hundred percent responsible for your condition. Life is the reflection of one's own self. This world is the mirror and you are the reflection. If you think negative, the image of the world will automatically be negative, so better you sit and lament the rest of your life blaming people, God or your fate for all the happenings of your life.

      You might think I'm a fool telling you all this rubbish. Before reading the book, I was of the same thought... FATE MEANS EVERYTHING. After going through the first few pages, it was like an opium to me, I wasn't able to stop myself. I wondered that the writer was actually writing for me and ONLY FOR ME!! The empowered words forced me to work on it so I followed the law. It worked miracles. 

      In order to help you all, I wanted to simplify the concept of the book and here it goes, just the idea of it.

      This world follows the rule of opposite. There is either white or black, good or bad, happy or sad. Indeed everything has its opposites. Consider as if all the good in the world is (+) and all the bad is (-). Your mind is a powerful magnet so when you think positive the magnet of your mind attracts all the positive vibes hence providing you happiness. It is a human psyche that when you are occupied by some thought, you will act accordingly. So when you are thinking about becoming wealthy, you will automatically work for it and so goes with every wish. 

        That is why Islamic scholars believes that when you are asking for something in prayers with this firm belief that you will get it, the prayer is granted.
        Life is responding to what you are omitting. So in the morning when you wake up declare your good intentions about the day, engulf all the powers that are there around you. You can see it only when you have a positive heart and mind to grab it. Practice this magic and get everything that you desire. BUT... Remember!! only one thing can break this magic and that is doubt or negativity. Even a slightest doubt of negativity can spoil everything. So eliminate yourself from all the doubts.

 "Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want and don't expect the things you don't want".                                                                     (Rhonda Byrne, The Secret)