Wednesday 8 July 2015


Holy month of Ramadhan is upon us, the best time of the year indeed!! its the second turn of Ramadhan to be falling in the summer. After 15 hours of fasting, one needs refreshing drinks to be served and enjoyed in iftaar. Different traditions run in different families. So today i am going to share one of my own. There are so many but i think it needs to be done in episodes so here comes two of them i hope u try & enjoy ♥♥  


Serves 5                                                                             
Things needed:     

  • 2 cups of apple juice
  • 1 lemon (squeezed)
  • 5-6 mint leaves 
  • 3 cups of 7up / sprite
Put mint leaves, apple juice and  squeeze lemon in a blender or food processor. Blend it for a minute. Pour it in a jug adding 7up or sprite to it and your soothing fresh drink is ready. 

Trust me this is the best drink. You seriously need to try this.


Serves 2
Things needed:
  • 1-2 piece jaggery (commonly called Gur )
  • (one glass of water for making jaggery syrup)
  • 1 lemon (squeezed)
  • 2 glasses of water 
  • 1 tsp chia seeds ( commonly called tukh malanga)

STEP 1:   Jaggery syrup
Take a sauce pan and boil Gur in a cup of water until it becomes thick in consistency. Leave it for a while to cool down. 

STEP 2:   Jaggery sip
Add cold water to jaggery syrup and  squeeze a lemon. Add chia seeds(tukh malanga) to the drink and wait for few minutes so the seeds can soak in AND there! u have it. ENJOY ♥♥ 

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