Monday 6 July 2015


Its been so long that I have been planning to make a blog may be a year and a half, oh noo!! just kidding...   BUT TODAY IS THE DAY OF MY TRIUMPH or may be I CONQUERED MY LAZINESS. Out there on youtube and reading so many blogs i always wanted to be a part of this blog community and wanted to share my thoughts with the world too!!
   The first thing i want to share is how to overcome your laziness and work through procrastination.
  1.  Finding the worth of the task: There is always so much on our plate but it needs a good thinking that what is more important to be done or tasks with the deadlines should be preferable.  
  2.  How much time will it consume: So once you have selected the task make a deadline of your own. suppose if something has to be completed within two days before its deadline get started with it before 3 days so that you don't get short of time. Managing time is most important in life, the one who knows the trick is successful.
  3. Start working on it: If laziness is getting on you think of the time you waste on unnecessary things which are bringing u no benefit. on the contrary, completing your task will draw you near to your goal & what else would one want.                                                                                             This is the psychological drive that helps me overcome procrastination in every aspect of my life. Hope it helps you too!!


  1. best post...i like the way mentioned in post how to overcome laziness.....esp the second point is just mind blowing.....good job..keep posting such helpful posts

    1. Thank you hun ♥♥ & welcome to the group !!
