Sunday 12 July 2015


Summer is not really my time, the heavily tanned skin, the sun burn, humidity, stickiness and the worst nightmare, the frizzy hair. I don't get sun burn easily but when it comes to tanning it's the worst because my face is all bronzed as if I have plunged it into a bronzer. Well that's the part of my story still to be narrated.

        To kill those emerging troubles because of summer, I did some homework and went for little shopping, not very high on budget ;P. I narrowed my list just to the essential ones. So I exactly knew what I wanted. Seriously it's way better than hunting and gathering without any sense of your requirements plus financial estimate. So here is an insight to what and why I bought, which I'm going to share with you all.

          Everyone has got a night routine which definitely or only includes brushing your teeth. You need to include 4 SIMPLE STEPS TO YOUR NIGHT ROUTINE which are baby steps towards your PERFECT SKIN IN SUMMER. Of-course you have to continue it in the winter as well, if it makes sense to you.
          The first step is cleansing. Cleansing helps to remove dead skin cells and dirt. It protects your skin from damaging. People prefer to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and massage it as a cleanser but I've never used oil cleansing method. So, I've got JOLEN DEEP PORE MILK CLEANSER. The people having heavy oily skin should avoid using oil based moisturizer because it makes your skin more oily, which we all know is prone to blackheads and acne. 

         After cleansing your skin, the second step is to apply toner. It balances your skin pH, if it has been disturbed. It softens your skin and reduces the chance of enlarged pores of the skin because of cell communicating ingredient present in it BUT!! remember most of the toners available in the market are having alcohol which dries your skin, hence killing the effect of toner. So after a long search, I hunted down a TONER by OLAY without alcohol.

         The third and fourth steps are Moisturizing and hydrating. Bulk of people believe that their skin is better off moisturizer in summer. They think that only in winter their dry skin requires moisturizer. You need to moisturize your skin regardless of your skin type and weather. If you have oily skin then you need to get an oil free moisturizer. It helps to keep the upper layer of skin soft and smooth plus keeping it hydrated. My oily T zone gets high on duty in summer and I don't want to end up all greasy therefore I've got this lovely oil free JHONSON-JHONSON  CLEAN AND CLEAR MOISTURIZER. It's perfect for my skin. It absorbs in the skin quickly with no greasy effect.

        There are some nights when you are very tired and all you want to do is get in your bed BUT if you are wearing makeup never ever do that honey. I know it is very hard to go for your regular night routine so for those lazy days I've got a solution. cut those four steps in one. all you need to do is to clean your makeup with facial wipes. I've got JHONSON'S SKIN CARE REFRESHING WIPES. Trust me!! it always comes in handy.

         Keep this night routine as can't-live-without-it and I bet you'll have a flawless, spotless and absolute skin. 

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